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Red Dot Sights (RDS) mounted on handguns are gaining in popularity and are proving to be the next major advancement in firearm technology. This class is designed to answer commonly asked questions regarding the use of RDS on handguns. Whether you own a RDS handgun, considering the purchase of a RDS, or just want to see what the hype is all about, this class will give you an appreciation of the advantages and challenges of using RDS.


Cost: $74.99 Payment is required in advance to reserve your place in the class.

Class Time: From 8:00 to 11:00 AM



• Brief history of RDS
• Advantages/disadvantages/challenges of RDS
• What’s MOA and why is it important
• Brands of RDS
• How to zero RDS
• RDS web resources




• Check and zero handguns
• Practice locating the dot during presentation to target
• Close distance shooting with RDS
• Long distance shooting with RDS
• One-handed shooting with RDS


Equipment Requirements (What to Bring):
You can bring your own RDS handgun (unloaded and in a case) or, if you do not have a RDS handgun, you can use one of our RDS rental handguns. You must purchase ammo if you use a rental handgun. Handguns and ammo are NOT PERMITTED in the classroom. Keep them in your vehicle under the class goes to the range.

• 50 rounds of target/range ammo

• Pen and paper to take notes

• Appropriate clothing (no sandals or low-cut tops)

• Ear/eye protection, or you can borrow ours


Instructor: Bob Jewell has been running a RDS on his EDC (everyday carry) handgun since 2011. Bob has taken classes from nationally-recognized RDS instructors and is qualified as Expert in the IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association) Carry Optics division.


Safety: No compromises here – this is the most important part of our classes. If you violate a safety rule during the class, your training is over.

Introduction to Handgun Red Dot Sights - Saturday, June 11, 2022



    MON - SAT: 11 AM - 7 PM

    SUN:  11 AM - 6 PM




    Closed on Thanksgiving & Christmas


    Close at 5:00 PM on Independence Day (July 4th), Christmas Eve (Dec 24th) & New Years Eve (Dec 31st)


    Open Noon - 6 PM New Year's Day


    2300 East Kemper Road

    Cincinnati, OH 45241


    PH: 513-772-3343

    FAX: 513-772-5113


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